
Would you like to participate in volunteer projects in Brno, Czech Republic or abroad? Are you not sure where to find them and how to choose the right one for you? Have you got an idea for interesting project in your mind? We will give you advice where to get financial support, how to apply and make steps leading to realization. You are welcome to visit us or contact us for consultation every Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00, Wednesday 13:00 - 17:00 and Thursday 13:00–17:00. You can contact our DC 67 coordinator by e-mail: or phone: +420 776 594 804, by skype (name: Dobrovolnické centrum 67) or on our Facebook page.

Volunteering in Brno and Jihomoravský region

The number of volunteer opportunities in Brno and Jihomoravský region is immense. Surely you will find the right one for you! Follow the current offer of volunteer positions in Brno and Czech Republic or search in the database of organizations.

Volunteering abroad

Europe or exotic countries? You can go to volunteer nearly anywhere, whether for short-term (few weeks or even one) or long-term (like European Solidarity Corps – ESC) stay. For more information about volunteering abroad click here.