Who we are

Civic association Plan B was established in January 2001 as a response to a general need for providing larger scale of activities offered for children and youth. We provide information for young people aged 15 to 30 about volunteer opportunities in Brno, Czech Republic or abroad. We connect people interested in volunteering and NGOs looking for volunteers.These organizations need their help and at the same time offer collaboration and consider engagement of young people in voluntary work and help them to develop their individual skills and key competences – they learn how to prepare activities, communicate and how to work in a team.

We offer young people space for developing their own ideas, consultations on where to search for the grants for projects realization or the possibility to find partners for their activities. We can also provide our premises free of charge as a meeting place for informal groups to meet or hold courses, supervisions, project planning and preparation etc. 

We provide an overview of leisure time activities and interesting events in Brno and its surroundings while aslo providing information about international opportunities (European Solidarity Corps, study visits, workcamps, youth exchanges), funding opportunities for volunteers´ own projects etc.

Our center offers various types of evening programmes:

  • Successful youth projects presentations.

  • Experiences from international volunteering visits.

  • Experiences from voluntary work in the Czech republic.

  • Documentary projections followed by discussion.

  • Presentations about alternative lifestyle –alternative way of housing, shopping, health care, travelling etc.

  • Experiences of foreign volunteers working in the Czech republic.

  • Photography exhibitions openings.


We organize meetings and networking of NGOs located in South Moravian region and informal groups which together work with young volunteers (aged from 15 to 30 years). Futhermore, we provide educational workshops for professionals working with volunteers. These activities lead to sharing experiences, planning common activities and projects and promoting voluntary work.